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Doxygen build

tim-band requested to merge UCL-ARC/collaborations/sherpa:doxygen2 into master


We have a lot of Doxygen comments in the code, but they are not built. If they were built, the build would have lots of warnings in it and lots of the Doxygen pages would not be built correctly.

This change adds a Doxygen build to the cmake build and fixes all the warnings. There were a lot.

Test Plan

cmake --build <build-dir> --target docs

Then browse <build-dir>/docs/html/index.html.

Example Result

There's a vast amount of HTML files produced.

Additional Checklist Items

  • I have updated documentation as needed
  • I considered if this should be cherry-picked/ported somewhere else (rel-2-x or master), and if yes, opened a corresponding issue or MR

Merge request reports