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Configure and run tests in CI on each commit

LeLutin requested to merge LeLutin/sshd:configure_ci into master

This module currently has a series of (somewhat outdated) rspec tests but they are never getting run. We also never make CI check for syntax errors or code style problems. This is bad and it makes our lives hard because we can easily cause problems to creep in.

This branch renovates the rspec tests to run against more recent versions of rspec + rspec-puppet and brings all of the above to the table: now on each commit we will know if:

  • puppet manifests have a syntax error
  • puppet manifests follow community code style guidelines
  • ruby code files (among which the spec tests and puppet ruby functions) have a valid syntax and follow ruby and rspec code style guidelines
  • rspec unit tests fail with a change on the code that broke functionality or changed expectations
  • the file is outdated

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