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  • Sven Gothel's avatar
    Direct-BT: Remove TinyB and Cleanup Java API (1) · aef10f3c
    Sven Gothel authored
    Starting with version 2.3, the previously refactored *TinyB* has been removed completely.
    Motivation was lack of detailed Bluetooth support, inclusive increasing diversion with *Direct-BT*.
    Furthermore, work is underway for `BLE slave periphal and GATT server` support and its mapping to *BlueZ D-Bus* is questionable
    and would be resource intensive.
    Java API changed as follows:
    - Objects no more Clonable
    - Removed dead unsupported code
    - Removed deprecated code
    - Added 'GattCharPropertySet', representing property bit mask for BTGattChar,
      replacing the string array.
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