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  • Jean Felder's avatar
    ci: Build a windows docker image and publish it to the registry · ee7f4461
    Jean Felder authored
    This change allows to build a windows docker image of `sfcgal` and
    publish it to the registry.
    The docker image is built on 3 different occasions:
    - a new Merge Request (manual, does not block the next stages)
    - a new tag (automatic)
    - a push to master (automatic)
    The merge request job one is manual because this CI is quite
    slow. Indeed, windows runners are still in beta and the VMs take some
    time to start (up to 5 minutes) and they do not have a lot of compute
    ressources. According to gitlab tickets, the situation should improve
    in Q4 2024.
    The `dockerfile` uses a base docker image which already contains
    `sfcgal` dependencies built with vcpkg (mostly boost and
    cgal). Indeed, windows base image provided by gitlab already contain
    `vcpkg`, `cmake` and visual studio c++ compiler but compiling `boost`
    and `cgal` with `vcpkg` can take longer than the runner timeout (2h).
    These images will be used by `pysfcgal` to build a windows wheel.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.