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ZPhoenix requested to merge dev into main

List of Features and bugs fixed

  1. Delete Media and/or Annotations [soft delete, have enabled features asking how many days to keep the deleted data with default -1 forever) link:papad-issues#88 (closed)
  2. Group based search, where a user search medias or annotations a.Public groups b.Groups that the user part of c.Multiselected groups link:papad-issues#95 (closed)
  3. Introduce public and private group link:papad-issues#94 (closed)
  4. Copy media from one group to other group link:papad-issues#87 (closed)
  5. Allow users to create any number of extra questions based on requirement link:papad-issues#1 (closed)

Bugs that are fixed

  1. While annotating pause the audio link:papad-issues#98 (closed)
  2. Alert and error messages link:papad-issues#86 (closed)
  3. Fixed audio player - setStart plays the media and setEnd pause the media link:papad-issues#55 (closed)
  4. Timestamp in annotation form made it editable link:papad-issues#54 (closed)
  5. onClick of annotation time the media is tuned to the time and starts playing the media link:papad-issues#53 (closed)

Merge request reports