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JonoAugustine requested to merge routes into master

All those routes? yeah, we got those. All that API? yeah, we got most of those. what is this? Amateur hour?

- Guild
    - createRole
    - get & delete invites
    - get, create, & delete Integrations
    - prune and getPruneCount
    - unBan
    - getGuildEmbed
    - getVanityUrl
- GuildMember
    - setNickname
    - addRole (by ID or by GuildRole)
    - removeRole (by ID or by GuildRole) 
    - setDeafen, deafen, undeafen
    - setMuted, mute, unmute
    - move (by ID or voice chanel)
- GuildRole
    - setName
    - setPermissions, removePermission, addPermission
    - setColor
    - setHoisted, hoist, unhoist
    - setMentionable
- GuildChannel
    - get & create Invites
- GuildIntegration (new)
    - setExpireBehavior
    - setGracePeriod
    - setEmojiEnabled
    - sync
    - delete
- GuildEmbed (new)
    - setChennel (by ID or GuildChannel)
    - setEnabled, enable, disable
- Invite (new)
    - delete
Edited by JonoAugustine

Merge request reports