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Changes I did and did not make (indicated by checked boxes below; I'm using the checklist for myself and this should not be considered a to-do list):

  • Amharic
    • whole language unmaintained; will address removal in subsequent ticket
  • Arabic
    • Changed Redphone link and name to refer to Signal
    • Removed references to Riseup Black and Red
    • Linked instead to Riseup VPN on Riseup's page
    • Could not remove reference to Wire, as I do not read or speak Arabic
    • Page still refers to Orbot
  • Tibetan
    • whole language unmaintained; will address removal in subsequent ticket
  • English
    • Changed Redphone link to refer to Signal
    • Removed references to Riseup Black and Red
    • Linked instead to Riseup VPN on Riseup's page
    • Replaced reference to Wire with links to Delta Chat and Element
    • Did not know how to approach removing Orbot content
  • Spanish
    • Changed Redphone link to refer to Signal
    • Removed references to Riseup Black and Red
    • Linked instead to Riseup VPN on Riseup's page
    • Replaced reference to Wire with links to Delta Chat and Element
    • Did not know how to approach removing Orbot content
  • Farsi
    • Guide marked as unmaintained; will address removal in subsequent ticket
  • French
    • Guide marked as unmaintained, but because I speak the language...
    • Removed all references to Redphone entirely
    • Removed "Other VOIP" section. CSipSimple page 404s now. Guardian Project has sunset OSTEL/OSTN and they say the domains will expire soon. Remaining links to these projects present a nice juicy attack vector for someone who wants to get at our community.
    • Still discusses Skype, Textsecure.
    • Strongly recommend removing entire guide; will address removal in subsequent ticket
  • Indonesian
    • Changed Redphone link and name to refer to Signal
    • Removed references to Riseup Black and Red
    • Linked instead to Riseup VPN on Riseup's page
    • Removed reference to Wire as I felt I could tell where the sentence began and ended
    • did not add references to Delta Chat or Element
    • Page still refers to Orbot
  • Khmer
    • whole language unmaintained; will address removal in subsequent ticket
  • Macedonian
    • whole language unmaintained; will address removal in subsequent ticket
  • Burmese
    • whole language unmaintained; will address removal in subsequent ticket
  • Portuguese
    • Changed Redphone link and name to refer to Signal
    • Removed references to Riseup Black and Red
    • Linked instead to Riseup VPN on Riseup's page
    • Replaced reference to Wire with links to Delta Chat and Element
    • Page still refers to Orbot
  • Russian
    • Changed Redphone link and name to refer to Signal
    • Removed references to Riseup Black and Red
    • Linked instead to Riseup VPN on Riseup's page
    • Replaced reference to Wire with links to Delta Chat and Element (sentence was constructed so that was easy to not screw up)
    • Page still refers to Orbot
  • Thai
    • Guide marked as unmaintained; will address removal in subsequent ticket
  • Turkish
    • Guide marked as unmaintained; will address removal in subsequent ticket
  • Vietnamese
    • Guide marked as unmaintained; will address removal in subsequent ticket
  • Chinese
    • Guide marked as unmaintained; will address removal in subsequent ticket

Update content/ar/guide/smartphones/, content/en/guide/smartphones/, content/es/guide/smartphones/, content/fr/guide/smartphones/, content/id/guide/smartphones/, content/pt/guide/smartphones/, content/ru/guide/smartphones/ files


Edited by Ghost User

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