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Windows cmake qt update (and more)

Lukas requested to merge lcs_inrotech/RobWork:windows_cmake_qt_update into devel
  • RobWorkStudio/cmake/RobWorkStudioSetup.cmake
    • Simplified find package.
  • RobWorkStudio/cmake/Modules/Find_QT_DIR.cmake
    • Originally I only added the Qt5 part, but since the file on develop also looks at 6 I added that too. The only thing I wonder is that the line above: set(QT${FIND_VERSION_MAJOR}_PATH "$ENV{Qt${FIND_VERSION_MAJOR}_DIR}"): Since it sets a QT5_PATH or QT6_PATH, then the set(QT_MISSING False) will not be called on line 60, because it checks for QT_PATH only, this seems like a bug?
  • RobWork/cmake/
    • Added missing boost dependency that is found in the main cmake.
  • RobWorkStudio/CMakeLists.txt
    • Added so it can handle if both a debug and release dll is added in the 'PYTHON_DLL' variable.
  • RobWork/cmake/RobWorkSetup.cmake
    • Updated so BOOST_ROOT and Boost_DIR are set from environmental variable if present and not already manually specified by the user.
    • Updated how BOOST_ROOT and Boost_DIR are found automatically on windows to tell the user what goes wrong instead of weird cmake syntax errors.
    • Removed the sdurw from ROBWORK_LIBRARIES_INTERNAL as it is a library interface and hence no files are build to which external applications need to link.
    • Removed EIGEN_DONT_ALIGN_STATICALLY because, if this is needed, it needs to be set by the person compiling the library because it otherwise can create misalignments when linking to rw.
Edited by Lukas

Merge request reports