Mark Huetsch authoredMark Huetsch authored
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splitsetheap.go 5.85 KiB
package pool
// mapElements are stored in a mapHeap. The index refers to the location of the
// splitSet in the underlying slice used to represent the heap.
type mapElement struct {
set *splitSet
id splitSetID
index int
// mapHeap is a heap of splitSets (compared by averageFee). The minHeap bool
// specifies whether it is a min-heap or max-heap.
type mapHeap struct {
selectID map[splitSetID]*mapElement
data []*mapElement
size uint64
minHeap bool
// up maintains the heap condition by checking if the element at index j is less
// than its parent (as defined by less()). If so it swaps them, so that the
// element at index j goes 'up' the heap. It continues until the heap condition
// is satisfied again.
func (mh *mapHeap) up(j int) {
for {
// i is the parent of element at index j.
i := (j - 1) / 2
if i == j || !mh.less(j, i) {
// Heap condition maintained.
// Swap i and j, then continue.
mh.swap(i, j)
j = i
// down maintains the heap condition by checking that the children of the
// element at index i are less than the element at i (as defined by less()). If
// so, it swaps them, and continues down the heap until the heap condition is
// satisfied.
func (mh *mapHeap) down(i0, n int) bool {
i := i0
for {
// j1 is the left child of the element at index i
j1 := 2*i + 1
// Check that j1 is in the bounds of the heap (j1 < 0 after int overflow).
if j1 >= n || j1 < 0 {
//j is the left child of i.
j := j1
// If the right child (j2) of the element at index i (the sibling of j),
// is within the bounds of the heap and satisfies
if j2 := j1 + 1; j2 < n && !mh.less(j1, j2) {
j = j2 // = 2*i + 2 // right child
// If the heap condition is true here, the method can exit.
if !mh.less(j, i) {
// Swap with the child and continue down the heap.
mh.swap(i, j)
i = j
return i > i0
// Len returns the number of items stored in the heap.
func (mh mapHeap) len() int {
return len(mh.data)
// less returns true if the mapElement at index i is less than the element at
// index j if the mapHeap is a min-heap. If the mapHeap is a max-heap, it
// returns true if the element at index i is greater.
func (mh mapHeap) less(i, j int) bool {
if mh.minHeap {
return mh.data[i].set.averageFee.Cmp(mh.data[j].set.averageFee) == -1
return mh.data[i].set.averageFee.Cmp(mh.data[j].set.averageFee) == 1
// swap swaps the elements at indices i and j. It also mutates the mapElements
// in the map of a mapHeap to reflect the change of indices.
func (mh mapHeap) swap(i, j int) {
// Swap in slice.
mh.data[i], mh.data[j] = mh.data[j], mh.data[i]
// Change values in slice to correct indices. Note that the same mapeElement
// pointer is in the map also, so we only have to mutate it in one place.
mh.data[i].index = i
mh.data[j].index = j
// push puts an element onto the heap and maintains the heap condition.
func (mh *mapHeap) push(elem *mapElement) {
// Get the number of items stored in the heap.
n := len(mh.data)
// Add elem to the bottom of the heap, and set the index to reflect that.
elem.index = n
mh.data = append(mh.data, elem)
// Place the mapElement into the map with the correct splitSetID.
mh.selectID[elem.id] = elem
// Increment the mapHeap size by the size of the mapElement.
mh.size += elem.set.size
// Fix the heap condition by sifting up.
// pop removes the top element from the heap (as defined by Less()) Pop will
// panic if called on an empty heap. Use Peek before Pop to be safe.
func (mh *mapHeap) pop() *mapElement {
n := mh.len() - 1
// Move the element to be popped to the end, then fix the heap condition.
mh.swap(0, n)
mh.down(0, n)
// Get the last element.
elem := mh.data[n]
// Shrink the data slice, and delete the mapElement from the map.
mh.data = mh.data[0:n]
delete(mh.selectID, elem.id)
// Decrement the size of the mapHeap.
mh.size -= elem.set.size
return elem
// removeSetByID removes an element from the MapHeap using only the splitSetID.
func (mh *mapHeap) removeSetByID(s splitSetID) *mapElement {
// Get index into data at which the element is stored.
i := mh.selectID[s].index
//Remove it from the heap using the Go library.
return mh.remove(i)
// Peek returns the element at the top of the heap without removing it.
func (mh *mapHeap) peek() (*mapElement, bool) {
if len(mh.data) == 0 {
return nil, false
return mh.data[0], true
// A heap must be initialized before any of the heap operations can be used.
// Init is idempotent with respect to the heap conditions and may be called
// whenever the heap conditions may have been invalidated. Its complexity is
// O(n) where n = h.Len().
func (mh *mapHeap) init() {
// Sifts down through the heap to achieve the heap condition.
n := mh.len()
for i := n/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
mh.down(i, n)
// remove removes the element at index i from the heap. The complexity is
// O(log(n)) where n = h.Len().
func (mh *mapHeap) remove(i int) *mapElement {
n := mh.len() - 1
// If the element to be removed is not at the top of the heap, move it. Then
// fix the heap condition.
if n != i {
mh.swap(i, n)
mh.down(i, n)
// Get the last element.
elem := mh.data[n]
// Shrink the data slice, and delete the mapElement from the map.
mh.data = mh.data[0:n]
delete(mh.selectID, elem.id)
// Decrement the size of the mapHeap.
mh.size -= elem.set.size
return elem
// fix re-establishes the heap ordering after the element at index i has changed
// its value. Changing the value of the element at index i and then calling Fix
// is equivalent to, but less expensive than, calling Remove(h, i) followed by a
// Push of the new value. The complexity is O(log(n)) where n = h.len().
func (mh *mapHeap) fix(i int) {
// Check if the heap condition can be satisfied by sifting down.
// If not, sift up too.
if !mh.down(i, mh.len()) {