CTRL+A in uicontrol listbox does not update handles.Listbox.value
Bug Description
CTRL+A to select all elements in uicontrol listbox does not update handles.Listbox.value
In version Scilab 6.1.1 the value was updated, in Scilab 2023.1.0 and Scilab 2024.0.0 the UI is updated, but not the handles.Listbox.value
Steps to reproduce
Minimal code example:
f=figure('figure_position',[488,93],'figure_size',[869,733],'auto_resize','on','background',[33],'figure_name','Grafik-Fenster Nummer %d');
handles.dummy = 0;
function Testfuction_callback(handles)
disp(strcat(["Selected cells: ", strcat(string(handles.Listbox.value)," , ")]))
The selected elements will be displayed in the console. Clicking and Shift+Click and STRG+CLick allows multiple selections. Selecting all by pressing STRG+A will mark all elements in blue in the list, but the handles.Listbox.value is not updated in that case.
(Code was tested in Scilab 6.1.1 (CTRL+A does works), Scilab 2023.1.0 and Scilab 2024.0.0 (CTRL+A does not work))
What is the expected correct behaviour?
STRG+A select all elements of the current listbox and the value of handles.Listbox.value is updated.