BUG DESCRIPTION:----------------[b, m] = assert_checkequal(5, "a") yields an error instead of just returning the error message in m.Its code shows that this occurs in other occasions:--> [b, m] = assert_checkequal(5, "Bkk")at line 12 of function assert_checkequal ( SCI\modules\development_tools\macros\assert\assert_checkequal.sci line 24 )assert_checkequal: Incompatible input arguments #1 and #2: Same types expected.--> [b, m] = assert_checkequal(5, [3 4])at line 34 of function assert_checkequal ( SCI\modules\development_tools\macros\assert\assert_checkequal.sci line 46 )assert_checkequal: Incompatible input arguments #1 and #2: Same sizes expected.--> [b, m] = assert_checkequal(1, 1+0*%i)at line 43 of function assert_checkequal ( SCI\modules\development_tools\macros\assert\assert_checkequal.sci line 55 )assert_checkequal: Computed is real, but expected is complex.ERROR LOG:----------HOW TO REPRODUCE THE BUG:-------------------------[b, m] = assert_checkequal(5, "Bkk");[b, m] = assert_checkequal(5, [3 4]);[b, m] = assert_checkequal(1, 1+0*%i);
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