Ammon Shepherd authored
- README.md - update the file structure section to reflect current files - update the production and development sections with files that need domain name changes - docker-compose.yml - change domain name to the live one - nginx.conf - change domain name to the live one - solr.in.sh - change SSL pass used to create the local cert (probably not secure...) - static-content/Search.js - Change name so it doesn't conflict with nginx proxying the solr container - static-content/search.html - change name of solrSearch.js to Search.js
e35f4237Ammon Shepherd authored- README.md - update the file structure section to reflect current files - update the production and development sections with files that need domain name changes - docker-compose.yml - change domain name to the live one - nginx.conf - change domain name to the live one - solr.in.sh - change SSL pass used to create the local cert (probably not secure...) - static-content/Search.js - Change name so it doesn't conflict with nginx proxying the solr container - static-content/search.html - change name of solrSearch.js to Search.js