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Fix filter RQ values

Patrick Dupuis requested to merge topic/rq-value into develop

This MR corrects a few source plugins that use resonant filters.


Most SuperCollider filters use the reciprocal of Q to set resonance (1 == no resonance, 0.001 == lots of resonance). Setting the RQ to a value higher than 1 has the opposite effect to resonance; it reduces the amplitude at the cutoff frequency making the filter response look increasingly like a ramp. Increase the RQ too much and you start filtering out a wide bandwidth of frequencies around the cutoff.

BHiPass: WhiteNoise, cutoff 1KHz, RQ 1.0


BHiPass: WhiteNoise, cutoff 1KHz, RQ 5.0


Changes made

  • RQ values are now set to the default 1 instead of being set to 5.
  • Indentation and whitespace fixes

Merge request reports