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Fix dac tester pan task and server quitting

Patrick Dupuis requested to merge topic/dac-task-fix into 1.3.1

This MR fixes a bug in DAC tester, and adds a new feature.

bug fix

The pan task (automatic cycling through channels) would leave the last synth created running. The only way to stop it would be to click twice on its channel button. With this MR, pressing the pan task start button will free all synths (some may have been activated manually via the channel buttons), and pressing the pan task quit button will also free all synths.

new feature

The DAC tester can now be used when Server.default was already running when the window was opened. In this case, some buttons and GUI elements are disabled. These are:

  • the Boot/Quit button
  • the Reboot button
  • the Output Channel slider

All other GUI elements work as before.

Also, the dac tester window will no longer quit the server when opened while Server.default was running. This allows the DAC tester to be opened while using SATIE without any risk of quitting the server accidentaly. This of course will only work if SATIE is itself using Server.default.

Merge request reports