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Draft: 🗑️ deprecate the quiddity creation from the pyQuiddity constructor and add a quiddities descriptor for pySwitch

Valentin Laurent requested to merge fix/alternative-quid-init into develop

should close #100 (closed)

this MR is doing two things, I tried (and failed) to separate concerns:

🗑️ deprecation of the quiddity creation from the pyQuiddity constructor

it seems this was my major issue and I took the decision to remove it:

  • before:
    1. py_quiddity = switcher.create(kind, nickname, config)
    2. py_quiddity = Quiddity(switcher, kind, nickname, config)
  • now:
    py_quiddity = switcher.create(kind, nickname, config)
    assert isinstance(py_quiddity, Quiddity) == True
    # you can still use the Quiddity constructor but I don't recommend it
    copy = Quiddity(switcher,
  • it reduces the way of creating quiddities for two methods to one
    • it could confuse user
    • it is more efforts to maintain (this mr is a proof)
  • the quiddities have not the responsibilities to instantiate itself in the cpp source
    • the py API should be as close as possible to the cpp source in order to avoid frictions like #100 (closed)
  • the Quiddity constructor is only used twice in exemple/tests so it doesn't seem a big deal
  • this creation in the constructor lead me to a headache because I wanted to instanciate a pyQuiddity object that was already created
    • making the pyQuiddity more complex shouldn't the right direction for future maintenance

add a quiddities descriptor for pySwitch

  • I implemented a get_quiddities method that returns a list of all quiddities
  • the quiddities descriptor is a way to get those from a property
    • it also allows us to provide extra feature in order to easily query quiddities without extra cpp methods
vid_quids = [quid for switcher.quiddities if quid.kind() is 'videotestsrc'] 
Edited by Valentin Laurent

Merge request reports