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The sound from video assets now works, using the jacksink quiddity.

Emile Ouellet-Delorme requested to merge feature/audio_for_videos into develop

List of things that were done in order to make this work:

  • Textures now have access to their material_texture, who have access to their material, who have access to their object3D
  • Added a video behavior. Right now it is only used to pause/start videos, but it could be used for other things as well in the future
  • The textureVideo is now responsible for the behaviors on the object3D they are associated to (both video and audio)
  • The textureVideo changed quite a bit, it now uses the new added/removed_to_object3d and object3d_added/removed_to_model functions instead of the previous added/removed_to_model
  • Video Textures can now effectively be used on multiple objects. They will all have different behaviors, and so, different sound sources as well. (they will have to be synchronized though, since they will use the same shmdata)

Merge request reports