Bug 9931: change pytalloc source to LGPL
Pytalloc was accidentally GPL while the rest of talloc is LGPL. After this pytalloc is LGPL too. On the bug, all 14 contributors agree to this change.
As we can see this is only a change to the comments, CI is skipped.
Commits have Signed-off-by:
with name/author being identical to the commit author -
(optional) This MR is just one part towards a larger feature. -
(optional, if backport required) Bugzilla bug filed and BUG:
tag added -
Test suite updated with functionality tests -
Test suite updated with negative tests -
Documentation updated -
CI timeout is 3h or higher (see Settings/CICD/General pipelines/ Timeout)
Reviewer's checklist:
There is a test suite reasonably covering new functionality or modifications -
Function naming, parameters, return values, types, etc., are consistent and according to README.Coding.md
This feature/change has adequate documentation added -
No obvious mistakes in the code