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Npower port raw.eas test to SMB2

Noel Power requested to merge samba-team/devel/samba:npower_smb2_raw_eas into master

While trying to port this test discovered a problem with smb2_getinfo_send where it overwrites InputBufferLength. Additionally while it was possible to port the test (which in SMB1 tests the result of writing EA(s) via information level SMB_INFO_SET_EAS and testing the results via SMB_INFO_QUERY_EAS_FROM_LIST)

In SMB2 we need to use FileFullEaInformation to both query and set the EA(s). However in s4 the implementation of getinfo for FileFullEaInformation is incomplete. Additionally the server implementation is also incomplete which results in test failing. This merge request adds client support for getinfo but the server implementation is still missing. As such known fails are in place for this test. (I hope to tackle the server implementation later... but there are alot of smb1 tests to look at) In the mean time this test can be run manually against windows and passes fine.

Merge request reports