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Increase test parallization for dev environment

Increases the parallization for running tests in dev environment from 3 to 6 parallel workers.

➜  samarbeid git:(main)
$ spring stop && time PARALLEL_WORKERS=3 rails test

X1 Gen 6    => 4:05s
T14s G3 AMD => 3:17s
➜  samarbeid git:(main)
$ spring stop && time PARALLEL_WORKERS=6 rails test

T14s G3 AMD => 2:17s
➜  samarbeid git:(main)
$ spring stop && time PARALLEL_WORKERS=9 rails test

T14s G3 AMD => 1:52s

Conclusion: Six parallel test worker seem a good middle ground and reduces runtime significantly while still leaving the system usable for other tasks in the meantime.

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