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Apply Jandex by default, merge quarkus + kotlin submodules, introduce (common)root plugin

Brian Setz requested to merge bs/jandex-and-root-plugin-fix into develop

Hopefully the final step in achieving #36., changes the following:

  • Merge quarkus / kotlin modules into one module plugins to prevent internal plugins from being applied twice.
  • We add Jandex to the Kotlin library plugin by default to prevent conflicts with separately applied Jandex plugins. (Seems to be a CDI issue in Jandex itself).
  • Clean up the application of plugins to the root project by separating this into a CommonRootPlugin that is applied by the CommonPlugin.
  • Since we now have a CommonRootPlugin we may as well publish a proper RootPlugin that can be applied to a root build.gradle.kts if there are cases where we absolutely cannot remove the build.gradle.kts from the root of the project.
  • Updated tests accordingly.

This resolves another part of #36

Merge request reports