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  • Peter Boling's avatar
    yard-junk, redcarpet, pry, pry-suite, pry-debugger-jruby, rubocop-shopify · a9249b8e
    Peter Boling authored
    ## [1.0.4] 2023-06-03
    ### Fixed
    - rubocop-shopify > standard gem family of rules
      - v1.0.0 intended for rubocop-shopify to override standard's rules, now it actually does
      - override mechanism in rubocop.yml config is counter-intuitive :(
    - Stop doubly loading style libs and configs with more careful config structure
    ### Changed
    - disable several rubocop-performance cops that are bad cops
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.