This is a modified copy of the original Roll20 Dice Reference. While this page contains similar information to the original, it also contains some additional information about features that are available in Rollabout only. All rights of the original text belong to Roll20 and their respective authors.
Table of contents
- How to Roll Dice
- Including Additional Information
- Math-Only Rolls
- Exploding Dice
- Drop/Keep
- Target Number (Successes)
- Critical Success and Fumble Points
- Rerolling Dice
- FATE Dice
- Genesys Dice (available since version 2.1.0)
- Rounding Rolls and Math Functions
- Grouping Rolls
Rollabout Dice Specification
- Math Operators and Functions
- Types Of Dice
- Roll Modifiers
- Grouped Rolls
- Grouped Roll Modifiers
Rollabout supports a wide array of dice mechanics, including math only rolls, exploding dice, and so on. On this page we've compiled a reference list of all of the different types of dice rolls you can perform.
How to Roll Dice
Rolling dice in Rollabout is easy. Just type the /roll
command into the text chat box, followed by a formula. In most cases, the formula is the same as the one that's printed in your game's instructions. For example, you might know that to roll an attack roll you need to roll a "D20 plus your attack modifier". In Rollabout, you would just type /roll d20+5
. If you hit and you need to roll 3d6+2 damage, you would just type /roll 3d6+2
. Finally, you can also string multiple rolls together. If you have an attack that does two types of damage, you might do /roll 2d6+5 + d8
After the roll is performed, you'll see the results of the roll in the text chat area. Notice that for each group of dice that were rolled, there will be a group of numbers in parentheses, representing the result of each individual dice that was rolled. You'll also see the total of all the dice values plus modifiers to the right of the equal sign.
Including Additional Information
You can also include non-formula text in your roll to indicate what that roll is for. For example, when rolling for initiative you might enter /roll 1d20+5 \ Roll for Initiative
. The extra text won't affect your roll in any way, but it's included in the chat log so that others can see what you're rolling for. It's entirely optional to do this, by the way, but some GMs find it helps keep everything organized a little better.
You must preface your additional with a \
to separate the formula from the text and keep the roller from getting confused.
Math-Only Rolls
You can do math-only rolls by adding a math expression after the roll command.
For example, if you want Rollabout to do a simple addition like 5 + 3, you'd enter the following:
/roll 5+3
Exploding Dice
Rollabout supports exploding dice - you may also know it as "rule of 6", "rule of 10s", or "acing" depending on your game system. With exploding dice, if you roll the maximum number on the dice (a 6 with a d6, a 10 with a d10, etc.) you get to re-roll again and add the additional roll to your total for that roll. If the additional roll is also a maximum number, you get to keep rolling!
To perform a roll with exploding dice, just add an exclamation point after the number of sides in the formula. For example, /roll 3d6!
would roll 3 d6 dice with exploding re-rolls. You can also define the exploding point for the dice using the greater-than and less-than symbols. For example, /roll 3d6!>=4
would explode on any dice greater-than or equal-to 4. /roll 3d6!3
would explode only if a 3 is rolled.
Compounding Exploding Dice (Shadowrun-Style Exploding Dice)
Shadowrun (and some other systems) use a special style of exploding dice where the additional rolls for each dice are added together as a single "roll". To do this, just use two exclamation marks instead of one. So for example to roll 5 d6's, you would do /roll 5d6!!
. A common Shadowrun roll would be exploding dice compared to a target number, for example /roll {5d6!!}>8
(notice the use of the brackets to show that we don't mean "explode on anything greater than 8", but rather "explode on 6's compounding, then compare to 8 for successes). Even though the target number (8) is higher than the possible roll from a single die, with the compounding exploding rolls a single roll can be infinitely high!
Penetrating Exploding Dice (Hackmaster-Style Exploding Dice)
HackMaster (and some other systems) use a special style of exploding dice where the additional rolls for each dice have 1 subtracted from the roll. To do this, add a p after the exclamation mark. So for example to roll 5 d6's, you would do /roll 5d6!p
Some game systems ask you to roll a large number of dice, and then either drop a certain number of the lowest rolls, or keep only a certain number of the highest rolls. Rollabout supports this type of roll through the d
and k
commands, respectively.
For example, you might roll 8 d100 dice and only be allowed to keep the top 4 rolls. In Rollabout this would be expressed with /roll 8d100k4
. When Rollabout prints the output from that roll, you'll see each individual d100's rolled value, and all but the top 4 rolls will be greyed out. Rollabout will then give you the total of the top 4 rolls. Doing a roll to drop the 3 lowest rolls would be very similar: /roll 8d100d3
. Again, the value of each dice rolled will be displayed, with the 3 lowest rolls greyed out.
The d
and k
commands are shortcuts for the full dl
and kh
commands. If you need to drop the highest dice use dh
and if you need to keep the lowest dice use kl
. For example /roll 8d100dh3
would drop the highest three rolls and keep the lowest 5 and /roll 8d100kl3
would keep the lowest three rolls and drop the highest 5.
Target Number (Successes)
Normally when you perform a roll, Rollabout reports back the total value of all the dice rolled, plus any modifiers. Some game systems, though, work by rolling a set of dice versus a target number, and then adding up the total number of successes instead. Rollabout uses the greater-than symbol >
to indicate when the roll is greater-than the target number. The >=
string is used to indicate when the roll is greater-than or equals-to the target number. The less-than symbol <
is used to indicate when the roll is less-than the target number. The <=
string is used to indicate when the roll is less-than or equals-to the target number. The <>
string is used to indicate when the roll is not equals to the target number.
For example, you might be performing an action that requires a target number of 3, and you get to roll 3 d6's to see how many successes you have. In Rollabout, you would do /roll 3d6>3
. Note the inclusion of the greater-than symbol to indicate that this is a target roll versus 3. Rollabout will show you each dice that was rolled, and then tell you the number of dice with a value of greater than 3 (note that ties with the target number count as a success!). You can also roll less-than target numbers, for example /roll 10d6<4
, which would give you a success for each dice rolled that is less than 4.
You can also add modifiers onto your target rolls, and the modifier will be added to each individual dice roll before it is compared to the target number. However, if you're going to do so, it's recommended that you use a group just to make sure the parser fully understands what you want to do. So, /roll {3d6+1}<3
would roll 3 d6 dice, and for each dice roll add on 1, then compare it versus the target number of 3.
Critical Success and Fumble Points
You can also modify your dice rolls to allow you to specify set at which point a roll is considered to be a "Critical Success" or "Critical Failure (Fumble)".
To show any roll equal to 10 or greater as a critical success, just do /roll 1d20cs>=10
. To show any roll equal to or less than 3 as a critical failure, just do /roll 1d20cf<=3
. To show any roll equal to 20 or 10 exactly as a critical success, just do /roll 1d20cs20cs10
Note: These values will not affect other things that by default work on max roll value (including exploding, penetrating, etc.). It only affects the display of the roll result to the player. For example, if you want dice to explode on 18 or higher, and you want to show an 18 or higher as a critical, you would need to do /roll 1d20!>=18cs>=18
Rerolling Dice
Several systems require that certain dice be reroll, for example brutal weapons in D&D 4e require any 1s or 2s to be re-rolled and the original die value ignored.
To use reroll, just do /roll 2d8r<2
. Rollabout will roll 2 d8 and reroll any 1s, dropping the original die value. If reroll for a specific value is needed the comparison operator can be left off. /roll 2d8r8
will reroll any 8s. >
and <
can be used as comparisons and the r
suffix can be specified multiple times. /roll 2d8r1r3r5r7
and /roll 2d8odd
would roll 2d8 and re-roll any odd number.
Rollabout also supports FATE dice (used for FATE, FUDGE, and other systems). Rollabout accurately simulates FATE dice as 6-sided dice in which two sides are 0, two sides are +1, and two sides are -1.
To roll 4 FATE dice, just do /roll 4dF
. Rollabout will show you the result of each individual FATE dice roll, then give you the total of all the dice rolls added up together. You can also add a modifier onto the total, with /roll 4dF+1
Genesys Dice (available since version 2.1.0)
Rollabout also supports Genesys dice (used for Genesys system). Rollabout accurately simulates Genesys' Narrative Dice System as follows:
- Boost dice: a light blue 6-sided die in which two sides are blank, and other sides are ☆, ☆▲, ▲▲, and ▲;
- Setback dice: a black 6-sided die in whoch two sides are blank, two sides are ✕, and two sides are ▼;
- Ability dice: a green 8-sided die in which one side is blank, two sides are ☆, two sides are ▲, one side is ☆☆, one side is ☆▲, and one side is ▲▲;
- Difficulty dice: a purple 8-sided die in which one side is blank, one side is ✕, one side is ✕✕, three sides are ▼, one side is ▼▼, and one side is ✕▼;
- Proficiency dice: a yellow 12-sided die in which one side is blank, two sides are ☆, two sides are ☆☆, one side is ▲, three sides are ☆▲, two sides are ▲▲, and one side is ✪;
- Challenge dice: a dark red 12-sided die in which one side is blank, two sides are ✕, two sides are ✕✕, two sides are ▼, two sides are ✕▼, two sides are ▼▼, and one side is ⛒.
To roll 4 Boost dice, just do /roll 4gB
. Rollabout will show you the result of each individual Genesys dice roll, then gice you the total of all the dice eolls added up together (success/failure points, advantage/threat points, triumphs and/or despair points).
Dice Breakdown
Die type | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Boost die (d6) | Blank | Blank | ☆ | ☆▲ | ▲▲ | ▲ | ||||||
Setback die (d6) | Blank | Blank | ✕ | ✕ | ▼ | ▼ | ||||||
Ability die (d8) | Blank | ☆ | ☆ | ☆☆ | ▲ | ▲ | ☆▲ | ▲▲ | ||||
Difficulty die (d8) | Blank | ✕ | ✕✕ | ▼ | ▼ | ▼ | ▼▼ | ✕▼ | ||||
Proficiency die (d12) | Blank | ☆ | ☆ | ☆☆ | ☆☆ | ▲ | ☆▲ | ☆▲ | ☆▲ | ▲▲ | ▲▲ | ✪ |
Challenge die (d12) | Blank | ✕ | ✕ | ✕✕ | ✕✕ | ▼ | ▼ | ✕▼ | ✕▼ | ▼▼ | ▼▼ | ⛒ |
Rounding Rolls and Math Functions
You may want to use rounding in your roll formulas to emulate mechanics such as "half a level, rounded down to the nearest level." Rollabout provides several functions to accomplish this: floor()
which will always round the number down (e.g. 5.7 becomes 5), ceil()
which will always round the number up (e.g. 5.1 becomes 6), and round()
which will always round to the nearest whole number (e.g. 4.4 becomes 4 and 4.5 becomes 5). You can use these functions almost anywhere in your roll formulas (around a single math expression, groups of math expressions, or even the entire roll).
We also provide other Math functions:
will calculate the absolute value of the roll
Grouping Rolls
Sometimes you may want to perform a series of rolls, and then compare each roll to a common check (like a success roll). Rollabout provides a "grouped rolls" functionality for this purpose. For example, you can roll two different pools of dice, then keep the highest dice roll across any of the pools.
If you separate the rolls inside the group with a comma, then we'll sum each individual dice expression in the group before applying any modifiers. For example, if we change the above example to use a comma, instead of keeping the highest single roll, it will instead keep the highest group total:
This is needed in games based on the Savage Worlds system, where important characters roll a "wild die" in parallel with their main die and choose the highest roll.
Grouped rolls can be a very powerful features in Rollabout. See more detail about them in the full dice specification below.
Below you'll find the entire Rollabout dice engine specification. This is the "advanced" documentation. If you're looking to do something totally crazy with Rollabout dice, this is a great place to see if we can support it.
Rollabout Dice Specification
Math Operators and Functions
Rollabout supports the basic arithmetic operators you learned in school: +
, -
, *
(multiply), and /
In addition to the basic four, you have access to:
, for modulus division. The result ofa % b
is the remainder ofa / b
. If you think back to when you were first learning long division without getting into decimals, you were learning how to perform modulus division. Modulus is useful, for example, to test whether a value is even or odd:a % 2
will be 0 if a is even (and positive) and 1 if a is odd (and positive). In general, the result ofa % b
when a and b are both whole numbers will be a whole number in the range[0, |b| - 1]
where |b| is the absolute value of b. (If a is less than 0, the result will be negative, including -0. -0 is functionally equivalent to 0.) -
, for exponentiation. Note that finding roots is simply raising a number to a fractional exponent; square root is simply an exponent of 0.5, for example.
You also have access to a small set of mathematical functions:
rounds x towards negative infinity. -
rounds x towards 0 if the fractional portion of x is less than 0.5, and round x towards positive infinity if the fractional portion of x is 0.5 or greater. -
rounds x towards positive infinity. -
returns the absolute value of x.
Operations are performed by order of precedence, just like in normal mathematics. From highest to lowest precedence:
- Grouping with parentheses (
); just like in real math, you can modify the precedence ordering by wrapping parentheses around things - Calling floor/round/ceil/abs
- Exponentiation (
) - Multiplication (
), division (/
), and modulus (%
), in the order they appear (left-to-right) in the formula - Addition (
) and subtraction (-
), in the order they appear (left-to-right) in the formula
Types Of Dice
Rollabout supports more than just your standard polyhedrons when rolling dice, below are the available die types you can use in your games.
Basic Roll Rolls N traditional (almost, you can have any number of sides that you want) dice with X sides per die. N must be greater than or equal to 0 and X must be greater than or equal to 1.
Fate/Fudge Roll Rolls N Fate/Fudge dice. These dice have three sides with values of -1, 0, and 1.
(available since version 2.1.0)
Genesys Roll Rolls N Genesys dice. These dice have different number of sides based on die type.
Genesys Boost Roll Rolls N Genesys Boost dice. These dice have five sides with values of "blank", ☆, ☆▲, ▲▲, and ▲.
Genesys Setback Roll Rolls N Genesys Setback dice. These dice have five sides with values of "blank", ✕, and ▼.
Genesys Ability Roll Rolls N Genesys Ability dice. These dice have six sides with values of "blank", ☆, ☆☆, ▲, ☆▲, and ▲▲.
Genesys Difficulty Roll Rolls N Genesys Difficulty dice. These dice have six sides with values of "blank", ✕, ✕✕, ▼, ▼▼, and ✕▼.
Genesys Proficiency Roll Rolls N Genesys Proficiency dice. These dice have seven sides with values of "blank", ☆, ☆☆, ▲, ☆▲, ▲▲, and ✪.
Genesys Challenge Roll Rolls N Genesys Challenge dice. These dice have seven sides with values of "blank", ✕, ✕✕, ▼, ✕▼, ▼▼, and ⛒.
Roll Modifiers
Modifiers that can change the behavior or outcome of dice rolls. Each modifier states which Types Of Dice it can be applied to in parentheses after the modifier name. Rolls can have multiple modifiers applied to a single roll to allow for complex dice expressions.
- B - Basic Roll
- F - Fate/Fudge Roll
Many modifiers compare each die to a target number to decided if the modifier action should be applied. We'll call this a Compare Point or CP for short in the roll modifiers below. A Compare Point consists of an optional compare operation <
, =
, >
, <=
, <>
, >=
and a target number. If the operation is not specified =
is assumed and for most modifiers, the entire Compare Point can be left off for the default behavior.
Example Compare Points
- If the roll is equal to 3 -
- If the roll is greater than or equal to 2 -
- If the roll is less than 18
Target Number / Successes (B,F) - Normally when you perform a roll, Rollabout reports back the total value of all the dice rolled, plus any modifiers. Some game systems, though, work by rolling a set of dice versus a target number and then adding up the total number of successes instead.
Example Success Checks
- Roll 3 d6's and count one success for each roll greater than 3 -
- Roll 10 d6's and count one success for each roll less than 4
Failures (B,F) - Some systems build on success checks by also including failures. Failure checks only work when a success check is already being done and each failure subtracts one from the total number of successes.
Example Failure Checks
- Roll 3 d6's and count one success for each roll greater than 3 and one failure for each 1 -
- Roll 10 d6's and count one success for each roll less than 4 and one failure for each roll greater than 5
Exploding Dice (B,F) Exploding dice, also known as "rule of 6" or "rule of 10s" depending on your gaming system, rolls an additional die if the maximum is rolled. If the additional roll is also the maximum number the additional rolls keep on going! The Compare Point can be specified to change the exploding trigger.
Example Exploding Dice
- Rolls 3d6 and explodes every time a 6 is rolled -
- Rolls 3d6 and explodes every time a 5 or 6 is rolled
Compounding Dice (B,F) Shadowrun (and some other systems, such as 7th Sea and L5R) use a special style of exploding dice where the additional rolls for each dice are added together as a single "roll". To do this, just use two exclamation marks instead of one. With the compounding exploding rolls a single roll can be infinitely high! The Compare Point can be specified to change the exploding trigger.
Example Compounding Dice
- Rolls 5d6 and compound every time a 6 is rolled -
- Rolls 5d6 and compound every time a 5 is rolled, 6's will be treated as a normal roll
Penetrating Dice (B,F) HackMaster (and some other systems) use a special style of exploding dice where the additional rolls for each dice have 1 subtracted from the roll. To do this, add a p after the exclamation mark. A die can penetrate multiple times but the modifier is only ever -1 to each additional die.
Example Compounding Dice
- Rolls 5d6 and explode with a -1 modifier every time a 6 is rolled -
- Rolls 5d6 and explode with a -1 modifier every time a 5 or higher is rolled.
Dice Matching It is possible to show how many of the dice rolled result in matches in the chat window.
will show matches visually but not change the results of the roll. mt
will return the number of matches, regardless of the number of dice that match.
Both options can take 1 argument: the number of matches required.
- Rolling
will give you the result of the 2d6 added together, while grouping the matched rolls with a colored bar. - Rolling
will either return 0 matches or 1 match. - Rolling
could return 0 to 6 matches. - Rolling
will show the number of matches if there are three of any result.
How It Looks
When 2 or more dice match, the chat output displays them with a colored bar above the number in the output. Each number that matches displays with a different bar. Effort has been made to make the colors high contrast against each other.
Other standard visual indicators (bold, bright color) for highest and lowest numbers still work with the dice matching mechanic.
Keep / Drop Dice (B,F) Some game systems ask you to roll a large number of dice, and then either drop a certain number (N) of the lowest rolls, or keep only a certain number (N) of the highest rolls. Rollabout supports this type of roll through the d
and k
commands, respectively. The optional h
parameter can either be h
to keep or drop the highest N dice or l
to keep or drop the lowest N dice. If not specified when keeping rolls the high rolls will be kept and when dropping rolls the low rolls will be dropped.
Example Keep Rolls
- Roll 8 d100's and keep the four largest rolls. -
- Roll 8 d100's and keep the four smallest rolls.
Example Drop Rolls
- Roll 8 d100's and drop the four smallest rolls. -
- Roll 8 d100's and drop the four largest rolls.
Special Case: Keep Highest of Two In some systems (such as D&D 5E) you want to roll 2 d20 dice and keep highest result (also known as advantage mechanic). To do that, you can use adv
instead of kh1
Example Keep Highest of Two
- Roll 2 d20's and keep the largest roll.
Special Case: Keep Lowest of Two In some systems (such as D&D 5E) you want to roll 2 d20 dice and keep lowest result (also known as disadvantage mechanic). To do that, you can use dis
instead of kl1
Example Keep Lowest of Two
- Roll 2 d20's and keep the lowest roll.
Rerolling Dice (B,F) Several systems require that certain dice be reroll, for example brutal weapons in D&D 4e require any 1s or 2s to be re-rolled and the original die value ignored. The reroll modifier can be specified multiple times to allow rerolling at multiple Compare Points. By default the dice will continue to reroll until the result is inside the defined parameters. Optionally you can set the results to only reroll once regardless of the outcome.
Example Rerolls
- Roll 2 d10's and reroll any time a 2 or lower is rolled -
- Roll 8 d6's and reroll any time a 1 is rolled -
- Roll 8 d6's and reroll any time a 2, 4, or 6 is rolled -
- Roll 2 d6's and reroll anything less than 2 but only once
Special Case: Reroll Once (B,F) In some systems (such as D&D 5E) you want to reroll dice below a certain value, but you only want to reroll the dice one time each. To do that, just use ro
instead of r
Example Reroll Once Rolls
- Roll 2 d10's and reroll any time a 2 or lower is rolled, but only up to one time per dice.
Special Case: Reroll Odd (B,F) In some systems you want to reroll odd values. To do that, just use rodd
instead of r1r3r5...rX
Example Reroll Odd Rolls
- Roll 2 d10's and reroll any time an odd value is rolled.
Special Case: Reroll Even (B,F) In some systems you want to reroll even values. To do that, just use reven
instead of r2r4r6...rX
Example Reroll Even Rolls
- Roll 2 d10's and reroll any time an even value is rolled.
Sorting Dice (B,F) You may want to see your results in either ascending or descending order. The sorting modifier does just this. The order parameter is optional and specifies the order to sort with a for ascending and d for descending. Sorting defaults to ascending if order is not specified.
Example Sorting Dice
- Roll 8 d6's and sort the results in ascending order -
- Roll 8 d6's and sort the results in descending order
Grouped Rolls
Mutliple rolls can be performed within a group via curly braces using a comma to separate the sub-roll expressions {3d6+3d4+5, 2d8+4}
. Grouped Rolls have their own set of Group Modifiers which perform actions across the whole group.
Note: each sub-roll expression within a Grouped Roll must contain elements of the same type:
- "Sum rolls", which can be Basic Rolls or nested Group Rolls.
- "Success rolls".
Grouped Roll Modifiers
Modifiers that can change the behavior or outcome of grouped rolls. Grouped Rolls can have multiple modifiers applied to a group roll to allow for complex dice expressions.
Keep / Drop To apply a keep or drop modifier across multiple types of dice wrap the roll in a group. With a single Sub-Roll in the group, the keep/drop operation is applied across all rolls. To choose the best or worse roll expression multiple sub-groups can be used. In this case, the keep/drop operation is applied to the final result of each subgroup.
Single Sub-Roll Keep Example
- Roll 4 d6's and 3 d8's, out of those 7 dice the highest 4 are kept and summed up.
Multiple Sub-Roll Drop Example
{4d6+2d8, 3d20+3, 5d10+1}d1
- Roll each of the three sub-roll expressions and total them up. Drop the sub-roll expression with the lowest total and sum the other two totals as the result.
Target Number / Successes (B,F) - The same concept as when using on Dice Rolls but with different behavior for a group. For a Grouped Roll with a single sub-roll expression, the success check is done after the remaining math expressions have been totaled into each roll. Single sub-roll groups are also useful when doing a success check on a roll that has another Compare Point enabled modifier. For a Grouped Roll with a multiple sub-roll expression, the success check is applied to the result of each sub-roll expression.
Single Sub-Roll Success Example
- Roll 3 d20's, for each roll add 5 and then count a success for each result of 22 or more. -
- Roll 2d6 exploding and count a success for each roll of 5 or greater.
Multiple Sub-Roll Success Example
{4d6+2d8, 3d20+3, 5d10+1}>40
- Roll each of the three sub-roll expression and total them up. Count one success for each sub-roll total of 41 or more.
Failures (B,F) - Failure checks on groups work just like success checks.
Single Sub-Roll Failure Example
- Roll 3 d20's, for each roll add 5 and then count a success for each result of 21 or more and count a failure for each result of 9 or less. -
- Roll 2d6 exploding and count a success for each roll of 5 or greater and a failure for each roll of 1.
Multiple Sub-Roll Failure Example
{4d6+2d8, 3d20+3, 5d10+1}>40f<10
- Roll each of the three sub-roll expression and total them up. Count one success for each sub-roll total of 41 or more and one failure for each sub-roll total of 9 or less.