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Add a ball propulsion version of the pass effector

Hannes Braun requested to merge propulsion-passmode into devel

With the new pass mode version enabled (default), agents will no longer be repelled. Instead, the ball will be accelerated automatically when the agent touches the ball. If the robot collision is enough to over-accelerate the ball (e.g. a kick) pass mode is finished without any extra propelling. The direction of the acceleration is the same as the direction of the agent's body. The original momentum of the ball is not retained to make sure it will travel the expected distance. The 'PassModeMinPropulsionDistance' and 'PassModeMaxPropulsionDistance' define the minimum and maximum propelling distances, respectively. A random distance will be generated from a normal distribution considering the defined range.

This patch was contributed by Alan Nascimento. Thanks! (I only fixed a few minor issues.)

Edited by Alan Nascimento

Merge request reports