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A kernel panic occurred: kernel BUG at fs/gfs2/glock.c:670!

Bob Peterson requested to merge rpeterso1/centos-stream-9:main.bz2226861 into main

Merge Request Required Information

Bugzilla: Signed-off-by: Bob Peterson

Summary of Changes

This merge request ports Linux kernel patches to prevent a problem whereby asynchronous exclusive (EX) gfs2 glock requests are canceled on a lock held in shared (SH) state, but more shared holders (SH) are queued after the canceled lock. Before these patches, the glock state machine discovered an invalid transition from shared (SH) to shared (SH) and panicked. These patches enable the gfs2 glock state machine to detect that the lock state hasn't changed and grant the new requests in the existing state.

Approved Development Ticket

All submissions to CentOS Stream must reference an approved ticket in Red Hat Jira. Please follow the CentOS Stream contribution documentation for how to file this ticket and have it approved.

Merge request reports