redhat: configs: Disable CONFIG_CRYPTO_STATS since performance issue for storage
Many ceph users reported if CONFIG_CRYPTO_STATS and dm-crypt were enabled, the CPU utilization was going high and became the bottleneck for those high-speed NVMe storage. Therefore, based on the testing, If CONFIG_CRYPTO_STATS was disabled, the CPU utilization dramatically dropped and significantly improve the performance.
Bugzilla: Upstream Status: RHEL only Link:
Signed-off-by: Kate Hsuan Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu
Merge request reports
added FixesOK label
Fixes Status: FixesOK No missing upstream fixes for MR 2947 found at this time.
Last updated at 2023-08-16T10:09:46.
Bughook Readiness Report
Target Branch: main
This merge request fails bughook validation: BugzillaNeedsReview
Bugzilla tags:
BZ CVEs Commits Readiness Policy Check Notes BZ-2227964 (ON_QA) None ff75981e NEEDS_REVIEW Failed:
release "+" == "+" and internal_target_release "9.3.0" == "9.4.0"See 1
See 2- The BZ associated with these commits is not approved at this time.
- This BZ targets a zstream release but this MR exists in the Centos Stream project. Centos Stream BZs are expected to target ystream. This MR may need to be recreated in the RHEL9 project; please contact a maintainer for further assistance.
Guidelines for these entries can be found in CommitRules:
To request re-evalution either remove the Bugzilla label from the MR or add a comment with only the text: request-bughook-evaluation.Last updated at 2023-09-04T17:07:06.
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded ExternalCIOK Subsystem:crypto labels
added DependenciesOK label
added SignoffOK label
DCO Signoff Check Report SignoffOK
The DCO Signoff Check for all commits and the MR description has PASSED.
Last updated at 2023-08-16T10:09:49.
added BugzillaOK label
added JIRAOK label
changed milestone to %RHEL-9.3.0
added Configuration label
CKI Pipelines Status: CKIOK
Blocking pipelines
Successful pipelines
These pipelines have been completed successfully or have been waived.
- CKI_CentOSOK c9s_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_RHELOK c9s_rhel9_compat_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_RTOK c9s_rt_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_64kOK c9s_64k_merge_request was successful.
Non-blocking pipelines
Successful pipelines
These pipelines have been completed successfully or have been waived.
- CKI_AutomotiveOK c9s_automotive_check_merge_request was successful.
Please see the Testing GitLab MRs FAQ if you need help or have questions about the CKI pipelines or KCIDB results.
This comment was generated by the ckihook webhook. Please contact the cki-project/kernel-webhooks> team with any questions or concerns.
Last updated at 2023-08-16T23:24:42.
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded AcksNeedsReview Acks::cryptoNeedsReview labels
ACK/NACK Summary: AcksOK
Approved by:
- John B. Wyatt IV (jwyatt-rh)
- Phil Auld (prauld)
- Vladis Dronov (NefigTut)
Satisfied Approvals:
- Approval Rule "crypto" already has 2 ACK(s) (1 required).
Merge Request has all necessary Approvals.
Last updated at 2023-08-30T14:00:15.
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded CommitRefsOK label
Upstream Commit ID Readiness Report: CommitRefsOK
This report indicates how backported commits compare to the upstream source commit. Matching (or not matching) is not a guarantee of correctness. KABI, missing or un-backportable dependencies, or existing RHEL differences against upstream may lead to a difference in commits. As always, care should be taken in the review to ensure code correctness.
P num Sub CID UCIDs Match Notes 1 ff75981e RHELonly
n/a See 1 - This commit has Upstream Status as RHEL-only and has no corresponding upstream commit. The author of this MR should verify if this commit has to be applied to future versions of RHEL. Reviewers should take additional care when reviewing these commits.
Total number of commits analyzed: 1
* Please note and evaluate differences from upstream in the table.Merge Request passes commit ID validation, references all present.
Last updated at 2023-08-16T10:10:12.
added MergeOK label