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Draft: redhat: update kernel-auto version scheme

Scott Weaver requested to merge scweaver/centos-stream-9:version-auto into main-auto

Bugzilla: INTERNAL
Upstream Status: RHEL only

The version for kernel-auto was updated to the following format: 5.14.0-<RHEL_RELEASE>.<AUTOMOTIVEBUILD>

AUTOMOTIVEBUILD is incremented when the make target dist-auto-sig-release is run.

The changes here add support for the new AUTOMOTIVEBUILD variable and new Makefile targets which were added to support the dist-auto-sig-release target. These new targets are analogous to the functionality of the dist-release target.

Th dist-auto-sig-release target executes the following steps:

  • increments the version
  • creates the tarball to be uploaded
  • calls which uploads the tarball to the lookaside cache, commits and pushes dist-git changes and updates with the new dist-git repo hash
  • commits the changes to Makefile.rhelver, and changelog

Usage examples:

To update the version and start a build:

  make dist-auto-sig BUILDID=""

To update the version without starting a build:

  make dist-auto-sig-release BUILDID=""

The final git-push to the source-git (which captures the changes made to Makefile.rhelver, and the changelog) is a manual step so that the commit can be reviewed first.

Signed-off-by: Scott Weaver

Edited by Scott Weaver

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