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Draft: iommu/amd: Simplify and Consolidate Virtual APIC (AVIC) Enablement

Merge Request Required Information

    Upstream Status: Posted
                     iommu/x86/amd branch

Summary of Changes

This is a small 2 patch set to fix a warning seen during boot of a kdump kernel on AMD systems where virtual apic logging is enabled.
A commit for dealing with enabled virtual apic logging during host resume, added a condition to check if virtual apic logging is already
running when the code goes to enable it. While there is some code during early iommu initialization that reset some features on the iommu,
this was not the case for virtual apic logging.

Jerry Snitselaar (2):
      iommu/amd: Simplify and Consolidate Virtual APIC (AVIC) Enablement
      iommu/amd: Fix compile warning in init code

Approved Bugzilla Ticket

All submissions to CentOS Stream must reference an approved ticket in Red Hat Bugzilla. Please follow the CentOS Stream contribution documentation for how to file this ticket and have it approved.


Signed-off-by: Jerry Snitselaar

Merge request reports