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vsock: backport latest commits for RHEL-9-1

Stefano Garzarella requested to merge sgarzarella/centos-stream-9:bz2107589 into main


Backport of vsock fixes, features (virtio-vsock: device suspend/resume) and tests (seqpacket) included in Linux v5.19-rc7 for RHEL 9.1.

> git backport-diff -u upstream-local/master -r HEAD~11..HEAD
[----] : patches are identical
[####] : number of functional differences between upstream/downstream patch
[down] : patch is downstream-only
The flags [FC] indicate (F)unctional and (C)ontextual differences, respectively

001/11:[----] [--] 'vsock: remove vsock from connected table when connect is interrupted by a signal'
002/11:[----] [--] 'vhost/vsock: don't check owner in vhost_vsock_stop() while releasing'
003/11:[----] [-C] 'vsock: each transport cycles only on its own sockets'
004/11:[----] [--] 'af_vsock: SOCK_SEQPACKET receive timeout test'
005/11:[----] [--] 'af_vsock: SOCK_SEQPACKET broken buffer test'
006/11:[----] [--] 'vsock/virtio: initialize vdev->priv before using VQs'
007/11:[----] [--] 'vsock/virtio: read the negotiated features before using VQs'
008/11:[----] [--] 'vsock/virtio: enable VQs early on probe'
009/11:[----] [-C] 'hv_sock: Add validation for untrusted Hyper-V values'
010/11:[----] [--] 'vsock/virtio: factor our the code to initialize and delete VQs'
011/11:[----] [--] 'vsock/virtio: add support for device suspend/resume'

Small context differences due to patches applied in other MRs (HyperV) and changes to virtio not yet backported.

Signed-off-by: Stefano Garzarella

Edited by Stefano Garzarella

Merge request reports