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Update the SEARCHSPAWN's options for SeeIVU, SeeSoS, and SeeInvis

ChatWithThisName requested to merge SpawnSearch into master

Add bool bSeeInvis, bSeeSOS, and bSeeIVU options. ParseSearchSpawnArgs now handles the options "SeeInvis", "SeeIVU", and "SeeSOS" (case insensitive) SearchMatchesSpawn will now filter based on the above options. SeeSOS only shows mobs that see through SoS. SeeIVU only shows mobs that see through Invis Vs Undead. SeeInvis will show SeeInvis and SeeSOS, because they both see normal through normal invis.

Usage: /mapfilter custom seeinvis is most relevant example of a way I personally would use it.

My extension removed whitespace in a large amount of areas, didn't show up in my commit diff prior to submitting, will need to disable whitespace changes to see the couple of changes I made.

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