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[COLOR="#FF0000"][SIZE=3][UPDATE] ---[/SIZE][/COLOR]

James Foster requested to merge patch-6 into master

[COLOR="#0000FF"][SIZE=3]Version 1.9.0 released.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

Added BuffsPopulated check condition to ensure that all the buff packet data is returned to the client before we determine if a buff is missing form the target.[HR][/HR] COLOR="#0000FF"[/COLOR] This ensures that we are not wasting precious time and mana attempting to buff a toon that already has the buff, but we did not detect it because all the buff packet data was not returned yet. [COLOR="#B22222"] [B]ALSO: From this point on I will NOT be posting the entire macro code in the first thread, just the updated macro file for downloads.[/B][/COLOR] [HR][/HR]

Merge request reports