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Chatwiththisname 1/6/2019 - INI's are now character specific, stored in...

ChatWithThisName requested to merge FarmTest into master

Chatwiththisname 1/6/2019 - INI's are now character specific, stored in release folder as MQ2FarmTest_CharacterName.ini - Discs are now grabbed and sorted when the /farm on command is given instead of when the plugin loads. Chatwiththisname 1/7/2019 - Added more refined sorting for summmoning discs and Endurance Regenaration Discs. - Adding abilities base on the INI is no longer Rank Specific. - Removing Combat Abilities base on the INI is no longer rank specific. - INI Name now updated when the farm command is used for anything to ensure that the proper file is being written to. - Added in the casting of Aura Discs and Endurance Regen Discs for use out of combat. - Refined ActiveDisc detections to eliminate trying to use a disc when there is already an active disc, but allow the use of combat abilities unhindered.

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