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  • Michael Baudino's avatar
    feat(partitions): rewrite S11share for readability · af952374
    Michael Baudino authored and Bkg2k's avatar Bkg2k committed
    This commit started as an attempt to support logical partitions when
    creating SHARE and OVERLAY partitions in S11share.
    The rationale behind it was that NOOBS does not install OSs in a primary
    partition (since it supports installing many OSs at once), but rather
    creates an extended partition and then one logical partition inside it
    per installed OS (this setup allows NOOBS to create more than 4
    partitions, and thus to install as many OSs as they like on one disk).
    Unfortunately, our convention is that SHARE should be the partition
    immediately following the main one (the one mounted as /boot) and
    OVERLAY should be the partition immediately following SHARE. Which was
    an issue in the following scenario, occuring when installing Recalbox
    via NOOBS (when it only creates the root partition):
    1. NOOBS creates the following partitions (logical partitions are
    always numbered 5+, 1-4 being reserved for primary/extended partitions):
      * `/dev/mmcblk0p1` → RECOVE...