[7.2] Moonlight broken
Related to :
- #1439
- https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/23892/rpi4-moonlight-under-7-2-now-unusable
- https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/24123/moonlight-gamestream/8
Moonlight doesn't work anymore, even with the es reboot hack
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- digitalLumberjack changed milestone to %7.2.1
changed milestone to %7.2.1
- digitalLumberjack added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
- digitalLumberjack changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
I mentioned the root problem earlier in #1439 but now the ES reboot workaround doesnt work anymore. I tested from an updated image and fresh install with the same results.
Additionally i test everything with diffrent GFE Versions: BetaResult: The only working combination for RPI4 is Recalbox 7.1 (or earlier) with GFE (with the ES reboot hack)
Edited by Zemus2kX 1- digitalLumberjack changed title from Moonlight broken to [7.2] Moonlight broken
changed title from Moonlight broken to [7.2] Moonlight broken
- digitalLumberjack added Critical label
added Critical label
- digitalLumberjack removed Critical label
removed Critical label
- digitalLumberjack created merge request !1599 (closed) to address this issue
created merge request !1599 (closed) to address this issue
- digitalLumberjack mentioned in merge request !1599 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !1599 (closed)
- Author Owner
@SeriousAce2k4 would you mind testing a new version on your rpi4 ?
- Author Owner
- Author Owner
Maybe you could try this on a Recalbox on Rpi4 by ssh, it will download and install the latest moonlight binaries. Please be aware that i do not save previously installed moonlight binaries.
mkdir -p /recalbox/share/moonlighttest && cd /recalbox/share/moonlighttest && curl https://gitlab.com/recalbox/recalbox/uploads/e969ec55abf7df3e44226015fe35e88f/moonlight.tar.gz > moonlight.tar.gz && mount -o rw,remount / && tar xvf moonlight.tar.gz -C /
Edited by digitalLumberjack Collapse replies Sure thing. I will test it tomorrow.
The Results are the same.
Besides, the moonlight version in the package is 2.4.10. Shouldnt we jump to the latest 2.4.11?
- Author Owner
I bumped to the last commit of irtimmer/moonlight-embedded https://github.com/irtimmer/moonlight-embedded/commit/7c8795febc9fad98084aa10fc5918985cbd8081e to create the version you tested.
- digitalLumberjack mentioned in commit 4b4f65a4
mentioned in commit 4b4f65a4
- digitalLumberjack assigned to @digitalLumberjack
assigned to @digitalLumberjack
- Author Owner
I'll check that
- Author Owner
They forgot to change the version https://github.com/irtimmer/moonlight-embedded/blob/v2.4.11/CMakeLists.txt#L2
- Author Owner
So we are stuck on that issue.
Collapse replies Yeah it seems that way.
Something has changed in the ES-restart process, that the stream can't go upfront.
Or it could be something in general with the way how the hdmi-port output is initialized.
But these are all wild guesses
This could help https://forum.recalbox.com/post/167755
To resume, you need to use GFE v3.15.0.164 only, to disable updates and set it to stream games.
Collapse replies Thx. Sadly this here is a Raspberry Pi 4 specific Problem regardless of any GFE version.
Besides...you can simply change the rights of the folder "C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\Downloader" to prevent unwanted updates.
- digitalLumberjack changed milestone to %7.2.2
changed milestone to %7.2.2
- Author Owner
https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/24123/moonlight-gamestream/8 new informations about this issue
So, where do we go from here? Is there something i can do?
- Author Owner
@SeriousAce2k4 : If it's only with pi4 it may be related to the video driver we use since 7.2 (kms).
I can't go further on this one as i cannot test at home, but maybe you could try changing the video driver to see if i'm right.
This is not a long term solution, as it may have performance issues on rpi4, but it can be a clue for futher work.
Change the line in your
in your boot partition:dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d
Edited by digitalLumberjack Collapse replies I will try it.
I see there are some fixes for kms in moonlight-qt. But i think recalbox is bound to moonlight-embedded, isnt it?
I can confirm, that with
moonlight is working like before.So kms does something diffrent.
- David Barbion created merge request !1783 (closed) to address this issue
created merge request !1783 (closed) to address this issue
- David Barbion mentioned in merge request !1783 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !1783 (closed)
- Maintainer
I've just built an image using moonlight-qt instead of moonlight embedded. Would you like test it and tell us if it's better.
Normally, Moonlight QT does not need to set fkms (so leave kms as a default).
Here is a link to download the image:
- http://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/recalbox-builds-artifacts/308972471/rpi4/recalbox-rpi4.img.xz
- and the sha1 http://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/recalbox-builds-artifacts/308972471/rpi4/recalbox-rpi4.img.xz.sha1
You can proceed to an offline update by putting those 2 files into /boot/update/ directory and reboot.
1 Collapse replies Sry, i never did an offline update before.
On my sd-card there is just a /boot folder or an /update/boot/ folder. None of them seems to work.
Or should it be in the /share section?
i found an older guide and tried to add the update folder in /boot manually. But nothing happend. https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/21798/recalbox-7-0-1-on-rails
Edited by Zemus2kX- Author Owner
The "boot" partition is named RECALBOX when you put the sd card on your PC. It should contain a directory called
, it's where you put the two files. - Maintainer
Hi again @SeriousAce2k4
Could you try executing:
es stop # stop EmulationStation moonlight
This should start moonlight. Then you could try pairing it to your PC.
- digitalLumberjack changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Author Owner
@SeriousAce2k4 could you try to start moonlight by hand ? just
in the cliEdited by digitalLumberjack Haha...ok, this is unfortunate:
So, Moonlight-UI works fine. I can change settings, pair, see all my games (no pictures for now)...so far so good.
I think we run in similar problems as with embedded...
The Moonlight-UI is in front of the stream. I feel trolled xD
Is it possible to start moonlight-qt without UI?
Collapse replies - Maintainer
Great, progressing,
Could you post console message of moonlight when trying to stream a game ?
I don't own stuff to test it myself...
a short start, press some buttons and stop session:
- Maintainer
Nice, I understand why you don't have game image, no PNG decoder usable, easy to solve.
So the game is well streamed BUT the UI stays in front of the stream?
I guess... im not sure! I feels so similar to the embedded version. I can controll the game and hear the sound.
ES was on top of the embedded-stream, and i think it is the same with the UI on the qt-stream.
- Maintainer
Did you stopped ES with
es stop
? yes. ES is definitly not running.
- Maintainer
I've made some progress: you can download this new image that integrates tne PNG image decoder (for game picture):
- http://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/recalbox-builds-artifacts/309394194/rpi4/recalbox-rpi4.img.xz
- http://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/recalbox-builds-artifacts/309394194/rpi4/recalbox-rpi4.img.xz.sha1
To put in RECALBOX partition under
directory (/boot/update linux path).Then, after update, when ES is started, connect SSH and execute those commands:
es stop QT_QPA_PLATFORM=linuxfb moonlight
This is far from perfect from my point of view, games are not so smooth as on the Windows PC, but it's a good start.
Do you remember how it was running before all this ? Were games ran smoother ?
With Embedded on older versions there was no Problem with 1080p 60fps in LAN mode.
To the new image... some progress and some setbacks:
The stream is running, but very stuttery (10-14 fps) with very low resolution, regardless of my settings (1080p, 60fps) It looks like round about 540p in Stream and the UI.
I can barely read the text for the options and some elements of the UI are messed up. For example the position highlights in the menue are all on the upper left corner of the screen. I cant see the cursor position for the option-menue.
Menue was fine with the version before.
this sums up everything so far :)
- Maintainer
Unfortunately, I have to postpone Moonlight QT. We could take a look for 7.3 if SDL 2.0.15 will be released
- David Barbion changed milestone to %8.0
changed milestone to %8.0
- David Barbion changed milestone to %7.2.2
changed milestone to %7.2.2
- David Barbion marked this issue as related to #1747
marked this issue as related to #1747
Im looking forward to it. Just call me, i test it.
1- David Barbion created merge request !1789 (merged) to address this issue
created merge request !1789 (merged) to address this issue
- David Barbion mentioned in merge request !1789 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !1789 (merged)
- Maintainer
Back on moonlight-embedded with good news. Actually, I made it works on my pi4/kms. The change will be:
- bump moonlight-embedded to support latest GFE
- customize
withplatform = sdl
I'll compile a pi4 test image.
1 - Maintainer
Here is the image:
- http://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/recalbox-builds-artifacts/312001269/rpi4/recalbox-rpi4.img.xz
- http://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/recalbox-builds-artifacts/312001269/rpi4/recalbox-rpi4.img.xz.sha1
You can fresh-install it or offline update by putting those 2 files into /boot/update directory.
If you go offline update, than you'll have to adapt moonlight config file
and addplatform = sdl
I think a functional hardware-decoder is crutial for moonlight to work properly:
Moonlight works, but @ 1080p there are too many artefacts on the screen. I think this is the same issue as with the qt-test. SDL is too weak to work :(
Additionally i cant confirm that it works with the latest GFE version. is still the maximum, at least for me.
Edited by Zemus2kX- Maintainer
Effectively, 1080p results in lot of artefacts here too and laggy input delay, about 25ms which is awfull. In 720p, I don't have that laggy input, lag is about a few ms which is pretty good and no artefacts at all.
I agree about full H/W decoder support, but moonlight embedded only supports OMX decoder, which is deprecated on pi4/kms, AFAIK
A can't bear using 720p on an 4K TV.
Can QT use another H/W decoder available for Pi4?
And how long could you keep fmks alive in future builds, as long as QT isnt working (personal reason) xD
- Maintainer
We have to wait for v4l2 implementation into moonlight embedded (moonlight qt supports it already), https://github.com/irtimmer/moonlight-embedded/issues/809
As a last resort, one should go back to use fkms and use mmal acceleration... but some users reported black screen with ES, we need to check this out.
I understand for 720p on a 4k screen...
- David Barbion added TestingMerged label
added TestingMerged label
May i test it?
- Maintainer
It's the same image as 1 week ago. So for instance, it's 720p only. But as soon as SDL 2.0.15 will come out, we will reconsider higher resolution on moonlight.
Ah ok. I thought there was something diffrent.
- David Barbion marked this issue as related to #1758
marked this issue as related to #1758
- Maintainer
I've create both issues for Moonlight QT and Moonlight embedded.
- #1758 when Moonlight embedded will add support for v4l2
- #1747 when sdl 2.0.15 will be available for Moonlight QT
This is issue (#1628 (closed)) will be closed when the test will be positive (regarding the matching MR).
Edited by David Barbion 1 - Bkg2k closed