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  • v1.35a protected Release: v1.35a
    Version 1.35a
      - Changed `afl-multicore` to prefix filenames with their respective job
        number handed over to `afl-fuzz`'s `-f` switch. Previously the job
        number was simply appended causing trouble for some fuzzing targets.
        (Contributed by Krishna Ram Prakash R and @YourButterfly.)
      - Changed `afl-multicore` to also set environment variables specified in the
        `afl-multicore` configuration file in case non-interactive mode is used.
        (Contributed by Philipp Bartsch.)
      - Updated `afl-sync` to not use the `-c` flag when invoking `rsync` to
        avoid hashing of large corpora. (Proposed by Denis Kasak.)
      - Fixed an `UnboundLocalError` in `` when attempting to parse
        an empty stats file. (Contributed by Vincent Ulitzsch.)
  • v1.34a protected Release: v1.34a
    Version 1.34a
      - Added `--chmod`, `--chown` rsync flags to afl-sync (contributed by
        Denis Kasak).
      - Improved bug fix for #34 in afl-multicore (suggested by Bhargava
      - Bug in fixed that prevented other tools from starting
        if gdb executable is not present (reported by Henri Salo).
      - Added support for `-m none` to `afl-minimize`. Thus an infinite memory
        limit can be passed to `afl-cmin` and `afl-tmin`. (Contributed by
        Vincent Ulitzsch.)
      - Fixed `afl-multicore` output to display master PID when using
        non-interactive mode.
      - Timestamp field added to `afl-collect` crash sample database.
        WARNING: This breaks compatibility with existing old database files
        in a way that appending to old databases is no longer possible w/o
        updating the database schema to include the timestamp field.
  • v1.33a protected Release: v1.33a
    Version 1.33a
      - Added `--cmin-qemu`, `--tmin-qemu` options for QEMU mode support
        to afl-minimize (suggested by Isaac).
      - Made processing timeout for sample verification phase configurable
        in afl-collect.
      - Usage of python 3 virtualenv explicitly documented in README
        (Henri Salo).
      - Added quotes around sample filenames used in generated gdb script
        to keep gdb happy with fancy sample filenames.
      - Updated afl-collect to automatically detect location
        (contributed by Jurriaan Bremer).
  • v1.32a protected Release: v1.32a
    Version 1.32a
      - SQLite db connector improved. Gives a huge afl-collect speed-up
        when using a database.
      - Changed afl-collect to print database related outputs only if
        a database is used.
      - Updated afl-stats to be compatible with afl-fuzz >= 2.32b (older
        afl versions will not work anymore).
      - afl-stats now optionally dumps fuzzer stats into a database.
      - Tweeting stats to twitter is now optional in afl-stats.
      - Fixed minor bug #34 in afl-multicore (reported by Bhargava Shastry).
      - Implemented option in afl-multicore to run arbitrary fuzzer instead
        of default afl-fuzz (#35, suggested by Bhargava Shastry).
      - Implemented multi-master mode support in afl-multicore (#36).
      - Bug affecting job counts in afl-multicore fixed (reported by Henri
  • v1.31a protected
    b48323d1 · Some README cleanup. ·
    Release: v1.31a
    Version 1.31a
      - Selective resumes added to afl-multicore.
      - Automatic calculation of delay values for afl-multicore startup
        implemented (use `-s auto`).
      - afl-multicore updated to not use a hard-coded path to the
        afl-fuzz binary.
  • ST_final
    Latest single-threading release.
  • v1.30a protected Release: v1.30a
    Version 1.30a
      - Parsing of slightly different modified 'fuzzer_stats' file fixed
        in afl-stats.
      - Delayed startup added to afl-multicore.
      - Fixed a bug in afl-sync that caused some directories to not be pulled
        from the remote location when a session name was specified.
      - Added afl's .cur_input to the rsync exclude list in afl-sync.
  • v1.29a protected Release: v1.29a
    Version 1.29a
      - afl-collect updated to not use a hard-coded path to the gdb binary
        (suggested by Martin Lindhe).
      - Fixed #30: CPU affinity settings removed from afl-multicore. (The
        option for explicitly setting CPU affinity in afl was dropped in
  • v1.28a protected
    c80ea374 · Minor changes. 💄 ·
    Release: v1.28a
    Version 1.28a
      - afl-cron for periodic task execution added.
      - Main execution loop removed from afl-stats. afl-cron may be used for
        repeated executions of afl-stats!
      - Changed afl-utils to use JSON config files.
  • v1.27a protected
    Version 1.27a
      - Basic version of afl-sync added.
  • v1.26a protected
    6be5036b · Changelog updated. ·
    Version 1.26a
      - afl-minimize now supports reseeding original afl queues with an optimized
      - Typo in test case setup method declaration fixed.
      - More test cases added.
  • v1.25a protected
    Version 1.25a
      - Added CPU affinity option to afl-multicore.
  • v1.24a protected
    Version 1.24a
      - afl-minimize now takes timeout and memory limit arguments that are passed
        to afl-cmin and afl-tmin.
      - Updated afl-collect to automatically detect whether operating on a single
        instance output directory or a multi instance synchronisation dir.
      - Fixed a minor bug in afl-collect that occurred when generating output sample
      - Scrots updated.
  • v1.23a protected
    9cabd1a7 · Happy new year commit ·
    Version 1.23a
      - Minor bug-fixes for SampleIndex.
      - Updated afl-multicore to assure that newly created screen windows operate
        on the same directory afl-multicore was started from.
      - Bug fixed, that prevented use of afl -f file argument when running multiple
        afl instances. For this purpose '%%' was introduced to be used when
        referencing the desired file in the target's command line option (check
        README for details).
      - Refactored code to increase testability.
      - Remaining test cases completed and new tests were added.
  • v1.22a protected
    19fa8065 · Note about branches added ·
    Version 1.22a
      - Typo in afl-vcrash code fixed (by Emanuele Cozzi).
      - Added flag for configurable sample processing timeouts for afl-vcrash (by
        Emanuele Cozzi).
      - More tests added.
  • v1.21a protected
    34295697 · README updated ·
    Version 1.21a
      - Ineffective subprocess timeout during crash verification fixed for afl-collect
        and afl-vcrash.
      - Added timeout handling to afl-collect, afl-minimize and afl-vcrash to avoid
        infinite/excessive blocking during sample processing.
      - Unreliable check_screen() fixed in afl-multicore.
      - Added a few test cases for afl-multicore.
  • v1.20a protected
    Version 1.20a
      - afl-multicore docs updated to reflect latest changes (by Mark Janssen).
      - Fixed afl-multicore session check bug, that prevented adding additional
        afl instances in normal mode (spotted by Mark Janssen).
      - afl-multicore now properly updates its session file when adding additional
        instances. afl-multikill was adapted accordingly.
      - Simple interactive test mode added to afl-multicore.
  • v1.19a protected
    Version 1.19a
      - afl-multicore revamped. Create config file for your target and desired afl
        options. Easily start and resume configured fuzzer instances. New feature:
        Subsequently add new instances using the 'add' command.
      - afl-multikill updated to terminate fuzzing sessions by process group id
        instead of individual PIDs and using SIGTERM instead of SIGKILL (by Mark
      - Auto-installation of my hacked version of exploitable added (make sure to
        source as indicated during setup!).
  • v1.18a protected
    Version 1.18a
      - Bug fixed that caused afl-stats to crash when monitoring more than one fuzzer
        output directory.
      - Added option to afl-collect that simplifies crash sample file names keeping only
        the originating fuzzer name and sample ID (by Martin Gallo).
  • v1.17a protected
    Version 1.17a
      - afl-minimize will skip file collection if collection dir exists and is not empty.
        This way you can run the automated afl-cmin and afl-tmin invocations directly on
        any directory containing fuzzing samples.
      - All tools' outputs have been colorized.
      - has been updated to avoid crashing when
        multiple inferiors have been detected. Instead an UNKNOWN classification with
        an according message is generated. Be sure to update exploitable to increase
        afl-collect stability!