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Dynamic Additional Attacks

GreyWulfos requested to merge GreyWulfos/lt-maker:add_attack into master

Currently, the game possesses a method of adding extra attacks via the "Dynamic Multiattacks" component - but this has some limitations. For one, it's difficult and inconvenient to only generate a single extra attack via adding multiattacks. Additionally, should one want to add an extra attack that is multiplied by multiattack effects, that's currently difficult.

At the moment, the DynamicAttacks component solves this feature by adding additional attacks to a unit. In a single phase of combat, units and targets will alternate between whatever extra attacks they have, unless a unit activates desperation, in which case all attacks will be resolved before the enemy can counter. Whenever one unit exhausts their extra attacks, the other will continue attacking until they too are exhausted, at which point the combat phase ends.

Additionally, there's a NegateDynamicAttacks component for those that wish to create a skill that blocks any effects that create extra attacks; i.e. Wary Fighter

Merge request reports