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[OICS-677] opin-claim-notification-damages-api-test - inclusion of scope in token - ISS 265

Luiky Vasconcelos requested to merge OICS-677 into main

Closes OICS-677
Fixes #265 (closed)

Test Log

Test Profile: Open Insurance Brasil Functional Tests for Phase 3 - Services
Test Plan: Functional test for Claim Notification Damages API - based on Swagger version: 1.2.3
Test Module: opin-claim-notification-damages-api-test

Previously, when calling the API associated to the chosen policy ID, the respective scope was not being passed. This caused the test to fail for some participants. image

Now, to make sure issues with scopes don't happen anymore, the test will create a token with all phase 2 scopes during the policy ID extraction flow. image

Edited by Luiky Vasconcelos

Merge request reports