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[OCI-3340] consents_api_extension-invalid-status-rejected_test-module_v3 - expecting totalRecords in GET consents/{consentId} endpoint - ISS 1625

Luiky Vasconcelos requested to merge OCI-3340-B into master

Related Task

Closes OCI-3340
Fixes #1625 (closed)

Instead of calling ValidateResponseMetaDataAndLinks.class separately, the tests are using the Consent OAS validators which already perform meta and link validation.

Test Log

Test Profile: Open Finance Brasil Functional Tests for Phase 2 - Customer Data - API Version 2
Test Plan: Functional Tests for Consents Extensions API - Based on Swagger version: 2.2.0 (Beta)
Test Module: consents_api_extension-invalid-status-rejected_test-module_v2


Test Profile: Open Finance Brasil Functional Tests for Phase 2 - Customer Data - API Version 3
Test Plan: Functional Tests for Consents API - Based on Swagger version: 3.0.0
Test Module: consents_api_extension-invalid-status-rejected_test-module_v3

Edited by Luiky Vasconcelos

Merge request reports