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COM: documentation to development deploy

Герхард PICCORO Lenz McKAY requested to merge dev-feat-doc into dev

This MR must be merged


  • database schema picture and source, cos the schema its still embebed in ORM form that required abstraction
  • complete set of steps to have any machine deployed with the development environment, fully tested today
  • it sets up the manual steps and makes sure that the specific versions of ruby we use are used.


  • it has not yet been decided how it will be deployed in production, heroku seemed like an option but there are no free plans, passenger is supported in nginx, but not in other webservers limiting the options

    • mina with git ruby deploys
    • passenger
    • unicorn with gninx sockets
  • So then it is missing to document then the INSTALL document for production, this after reading the rake documentation

Edited by Герхард PICCORO Lenz McKAY

Merge request reports