feat(acquisition_library): Add string representations to acquisition protocols
Explanation of changes
This pull request is a follow up of issue #2 (closed) which addresses serialization of acquisition protocols.
Merge checklist
See also merge request guidelines
Merge request has been reviewed and approved by a project maintainer. -
Merge request contains a clear description of the proposed changes and the issue it addresses. -
Merge request made onto appropriate branch (develop for most MRs). -
New code is fully tested. -
New code is documented and docstrings use numpydoc format. -
Changelog has been updated (when applicable). -
CI pipelines pass - black code-formatting passes (gitlab-ci),
- test suite passes (gitlab-ci),
- no degradation in code-coverage (codacy),
- no (serious) new pylint code quality issues introduced (codacy),
- documentation builds successfully (CI and readthedocs).
Edited by Kelvin Loh