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Active learning NN, collaboration with UKAEA

Aaron requested to merge aaronkho/active_learning_nn into main
  • Modified evaluate_network to process nets with multiple outputs, but still only returns 1 output (first output of given NN)
  • Added 2D relu function (left 1D relu for HornNets)
  • Added function to handle classification NNs
    • discretize_classifier_output converts real number output to "indices" based on input thresholds
    • impose_classifier_constraint multiples classifier output column with other columns based on map
  • Extended character length of network filename variable to allow longer names
  • Added names, default settings, load function, evaluate function, CLI, and make instructions for new network named adept
  • Added git-LFS pointers to new network namelist files
  • Updated data/ to include new repository for adept weights and biases (currently a private repo)
Edited by Aaron

Merge request reports