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  • gnounc's avatar
    barrel fix, netnames, max_health, classnames, t_heal,checkAmmo · 5a75a400
    gnounc authored
    exploding barrels now track who killed them properly for obits
    as intended by id.
    netnames updated to include dm mapnames, getAmmoTypeByWeapon added,
    and getModelByNum, these should help prevent some awkward coding for
    somebody in the future.
    enemies max_health fields all filled in for completeness, so nobody
    has to scratch their heads at THAT In the future.
    cthon, enforcers, zombies, ogres and vore missiles all have classnames
    wizard and knight missile classnames updated to be consistant with
    '_' seperated classnames
    T_Heal intermixed other and e from its argument list, changed other
    to e so non touch functions can call t_heal as well.
    checkAmmo was renamed because it created an awful triple negative, and
    what it should return if the player HAD ammo, was unclear
    Signed-off-by: default avatargnounc <>