assert in qemu-6.2.0/hw/acpi/aml-build.c:61:build_append_padded_str: assertion failed: (len <= maxlen)
Host environment
- Operating system: Arch linux
- OS/kernel version: 5.10.87-1-lts
- Architecture: x86
- QEMU flavor: qemu-system-x86_64
- QEMU version: 6.2.0
- QEMU command line:
./qemu-system-x86_64 -acpitable file=my_file.bin
Emulated/Virtualized environment
- Operating system: Windows 10 21H1
- OS/kernel version: (For POSIX guests, use
uname -a
.) - Architecture: x86
Description of problem
assert and crash when -acpitable argument is used. Specifically, the argument was "-acpitable file=my_file.bin" which causes the assert and crash.
The other arguments, I hope, are not critical. In brief, I'm using secure boot (with ovmf_code.secboot.fd), and a sw tpm as well. But hopefully these are not relevant.
The assert with -acpitable is a regression since it worked with version 6.1.0
The actual error message in qemu 6.2.0 is
qemu-6.2.0/hw/acpi/aml-build.c:61:build_append_padded_str: assertion failed: (len <= maxlen)