vmmouse device gets attached twice, one without i8042 associated
Host environment
- Operating system: Fedora 34
- OS/kernel version:
Linux salient 5.13.16-200.fc34.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Sep 13 12:39:36 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
- Architecture: amd64
- QEMU flavor:
- QEMU version:
6.1.92 (v6.2.0-rc1-96-gdd4b0de459)
- QEMU command line:
qemu-system-i386 -boot c -hda win31.qcow2 -vga cirrus -m 16 -device vmmouse
Emulated/Virtualized environment
- Operating system: Windows, MS-DOS
- OS/kernel version: 3.1, 5.0
- Architecture: i386
Description of problem
I'm developing a driver for the VMware mouse device. I know this works properly on VMware, but I'm trying it in QEMU too.
My full notes, but most relevant is:
- a vmmouse instance gets initialized twice (confirmed in qtree), one with i8042 the first time, one without the second time
- the second vmmouse instance is the one receiving the events, passing them to the i8042 device's fake event handler
- obviously, a crash because ISAKBDDevice should never be null
Steps to reproduce
- Load VMware mouse driver
- Move cursor (I recommend waiting until Windows loads before doing so, it is very easy to corrupt the guest filesystem if you do it while Windows is loading)
- Crash