x86 BLSI and BLSR semantic bug
Host environment
- Operating system: Windows 10 20H2
- OS/kernel version: WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux x86_64)
- Architecture: x86
- QEMU flavor: qemu-x86_64
- QEMU version: 7.1.90 (v7.2.0-rc0)
- QEMU command line:
qemu-x86_64 -cpu max a.out
Emulated/Virtualized environment
- Operating system: None
- OS/kernel version: None
- Architecture: x86
Description of problem
The result of instruction BLSI and BLSR is different from the CPU. The value of CF is different.
Steps to reproduce
- Compile this code
void main() {
asm("blsi rax, rbx");
- Execute and compare the result with the CPU. The value of
is exactly the opposite. This problem happens with BLSR, too.
Additional information
This bug is discovered by research conducted by KAIST SoftSec.