qemu-system-mipsel freezes for nanoMIPS in the semihosting mode
Host environment
- Operating system: Ubuntu
- OS/kernel version: 20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa)
- Architecture: x86_64
- QEMU flavor: qemu-system-mipsel
- QEMU version: 7.0.90 - bad, 6.0.1 - good
- QEMU command line:
./qemu-system-mipsel -cpu I7200 -semihosting -nographic -kernel hello.elf
Emulated/Virtualized environment
- Architecture: nanoMIPS
Description of problem
In the current git master branch (SHA: 7b17a1a8) there is a problem with qemu-system-mipsel when trying to execute a simple hello.elf program in the semihosting mode for the nanoMIPS architecture. I.e. after executing the following command the terminal freezes:
$ ./qemu-system-mipsel -cpu I7200 -semihosting -nographic -kernel hello.elf
hello.elf file is generated using the nanoMIPS GNU Toolchain (https://github.com/MediaTek-Labs/nanomips-gnu-toolchain/releases). The program regularly terminates with QEMU emulator version 6.0.1.