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GDScript export hints: Add float w/ ease, remove duplicate, adapt multiline to established format

Rafał Mikrut requested to merge github/fork/leonkrause/export-hints into master

Created by: leonkrause

A pull request from not too long ago added flags and multiline export hints, both of which are very useful. However:

  • Bitmasks were already available using export(int, FLAGS) var bitmask. As far as I can see, there is no difference between the two, and having duplicate functionality seems like a bad idea to me. This change deletes the duplicate. When this pull request is dealt with, I'm also going to update the export var section of the GDScript doc page to avoid this kind of confusion in the future.
  • The multline hint doesn't use the default syntax which has the actual type followed by the all-caps hint: export(String, MULTILINE) versus export(multiline). This change adapts the the multi-line export hint to the established format.

I'm hoping to get these changed while they're not yet part of a stable release and people using the release builds start using them.

  • In addition, this change also adds exporting real numbers with easing hint: export(float, EASE) var takeiteasy. Requested in and closes #2403 (closed).

Merge request reports