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  • Protesilaos Stavrou's avatar
    Update to version · d4f58c51
    Protesilaos Stavrou authored
    The following is from the CHANGELOG of the tempus-themes-generator:
    * * *
    Change colour values to ensure a minimum distance in relative luminance
    of 1.15 between each scheme's main and alternative backgrounds.  Those
    are col0, col7 (black, bright black) for dark themes and col15, col7
    (bright white, white) for light themes.  To guarantee that the contrast
    ratio for each theme does not fall below its target, several colours
    have been adjusted to have an appropriate relative luminance.  The
    changes are fairly marginal.
    Here are all the new contrast ratios.  In column 1 is the 16-colour
    palette, starting from col0 all the way to col15, while the first row in
    columns 2 and 3 holds the values of the main and alternative background,
    respectively.  A ratio of ~1.00 only exists between background values
    and should thus be ignored:
        Tempus Autumn
        |         | #302420 | #36302a |