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    Update web fonts · 5f168cf6
    Protesilaos Stavrou authored
    After careful consideration I have made a couple of decisions:
    1. Switch the main font from FiraGO to Clear Sans (more below);
    2. Stop providing a bespoke monospaced font, for the sake of
    I have selected Clear Sans because (the first three are also true for
    1. It is metrically similar to widespread system fonts, like Helvetica,
       Arial, Roboto.  The base font size matters because the width of the
       content area is defined in rem (multiples of the base font size ==
       16px).  As such, a smaller font, say, Alegreya Sans, will fit in much
       more characters on the same line.  Conversely, a typeface with wide
       proportions, like DejaVu Sans, will only fit a few characters per
       line.  I generally try to be within the range of 70-90 characters per
       line.  Working with a reliable point of reference is essential.
    2. It has a rather dark typographic colour, as opposed to, say, Open
       Sans.  This makes it good for legibility.  It also means that its
       shapes are not too fancy, which contributes to its functional
       purpose.  In a similar vein, its x-height is neither too tall nor too
       short, making it well-balanced overall.
    3. It supports Latin and Greek scripts.
    4. Its numerals are aligned on a grid, as you would expect from
       a monospaced font.  This is excellent news because it means that I no
       longer need to provide a bespoke mono font for the parts of my site
       that need tabular alignment (such as index pages where one column
       shows the date of the publication and the other the title).
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