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  • Craig Small's avatar
    build-sys: Fix pidfd_open checking · 2507bc47
    Craig Small authored
    The previous build setup would check for pidfd_open using
    AC_CHECK_FUNC and would be incorrectly reported as true.
    Also, if pidfd_open() and __NR_pidfd_open were not present,
    pidwait would silently not be built.
    So, changes:
     compile a small programin using pidfd_open to test it properly
     conditionally try to find NR_pidfd_open if the function fails
     complain if neither are present
     have --disable-pidwait configure option so you are explicit in
     not wanting and knowing you wont get pidwait
     commit d9c3e367
     commit 17f94796
    Signed-off-by: Craig Small's avatarCraig Small <>
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