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  • jim warner's avatar
    top: provided for additional customized color controls · 11a122b9
    jim warner authored and Craig Small's avatar Craig Small committed
    When new startup colors were introduced in that commit
    referenced below (way back in 2014) they were intended
    to impact only those users who hadn't saved an rcfile.
    Unfortunately, that goal wasn't met initially and only
    corrected in a later patch, which is also shown below.
    In any case, the color customization provisions didn't
    allow sufficient granularity. For example, there was a
    single selection affecting both task color & the color
    highlighting running tasks and/or current sort column.
    Even worse, such colors might look good under an xterm
    (with a light background) but look awful when run with
    a gnome-terminal (and its dark background). Admittedly
    all colors can be turned off (the 'z' toggle) allowing
    terminal emulators to choose light/dark text depending
    on the background. But, there was no way only selected
    elements could have been targeted for such treatments.
    Well, with this patch not only can color be turned off
    for selected elements, but...